Jabalquinto palace

This Palace (which today is the headquarters of the International University of Andalusia) was ordered to be built at the end of the 15th century by Juan Alfonso de Benavides Manrique, Lord of Jabalquinto, whose son Manuel married Luisa Manrique, daughter of our beloved warrior poet.

This family bond is the fact that links Jorge Manrique with this space in Baeza. When the author visited the city, he was a guest at the Palace on more than one occasion. A family relationship that compelled him to take part in the fight against Diego Fernández de Córdoba, being defeated and imprisoned for a time Baeza.

The most striking thing about this Palace is the majestic Elizabethan Gothic decoration of its main façade, where its beautiful windows and prominent diamond points stand out. The patio with two floors of semicircular arches on slender columns is also sumptuous.